Grow with us as an MSW Intern
Phase 1: Learning
You will learn all about being a therapist. This involves learning about yourself as a clinician, the different approaches therapists use, and will participate in individual and group supervision and role plays.
Phase 2: Observing
You will have the opportunity to sit in on some of my real sessions with clients, and observe how I work. You will complete a document noting what you notice in myself, approaches I use, etc. All clients will have the option to sign consent forms to allow this, but it is a great way to learn about being a therapist!
Phase 3: Doing
In collaboration with me, we will determine when you feel ready to see your own clients. Don’t worry - we will meet weekly to discuss the cases and help you with guidance and support. I will be here to sit in when needed or take over as well if needed. You will work on marketing yourself, and will see your own clients from intake onwards. You will maintain a caseload of 5-8 clients and will provide individual counseling. You will also run one group during your second semester. Again, I am here to help you!